Weather Dashboard Screenshot

when user search for a city the current and future weather conditions for that city will display as following and that city is added to the search history.

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Daily Planner Screenshot
Daily Planner

Daily Planner application allows user to save events for each hour of the day.

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Atlanta United-Quiz Screenshot
Atlanta United Quiz

This is a quiz that the test the user's knowledge of the Atlanta United FC Club.

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Password Generator Screenshot
Password Generator

This is application generates password based on user's preference.

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Marvel Library Screenshot
Marvel Library

This Marvel Library is a group project, a fun application to find intersting information about our favorite Marvel characters.

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Password Generator Screenshot
Tech Blog

With this CMS-style blog site user can publish articles, blog posts, and my thoughts and opinions.

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Password Generator Screenshot
Employee Tracker

This application manages a company's employee database, using Node.js, Inquirer, and MySQL

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Password Generator Screenshot
Note Taker

This application can be used to write and save notes.

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Password Generator Screenshot
Team Profile Generator

With using this tool, users can generate profile for their team.

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Password Generator Screenshot
Book Club Collective

Book Club Collective is a full stack application where users can create accounts search for books using Google's Book API as well leave reviews and join book clubs. Book Club Collective uses a folder structure that matches the MVC paradigm as well as Node.js and Express to create a RESTful API. Book Club Collective uses MySQL and Sequelize for the database and npm star-rating.js to create a star rating system out of 5 for the book reviews and then averages them out per book.

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